Boost your Business App

Deploy (Feature)

Deploy a new version of the application to a local IIS server or to Azure App Service. The following configuration contains two entries:

  • Deploy to local path. (C:/Temp/Publish/). Typically a local IIS server folder.
  • Deploy to Azure App Service (
// File ConfigCli.json

  "EnvironmentName": "DEV",
  "EnvironmentList": [
      "EnvironmentName": "DEV",
      "IsUseDeveloperExceptionPage": true,
      "IsRedirectHttps": false,
      "IsRedirectWww": false,
      "ConnectionStringFramework": "Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDoc; Integrated Security=True;",
      "ConnectionStringApplication": "Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDoc; Integrated Security=True;",
      "DeployAzureGitUrl": "",
      "DeployLocalFolderName": "C:/Temp/Publish/"

Start deployment of application with the following command:

npx deploy --azure

In order to deploy to a local IIS server use the option --local.

Azure Configuration

It might be necessary to set the node version (for Angular server side rendering SSR) on the Azure portal. It is found here:

"Configuration / Application settings / Name (WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION) / Value (12.18.0)"

The git url is the git repository to deploy to in order to update a website. It can be found under "properties / Git Url"

Angular Server Side Rendering Status

Server side rendering module turns a json object into html. It does never access any data on database or on ASP.NET Core. It's status can be tested by opening the following url:


Provide feedback to this page if you have any question regarding content or something should get updated.


WorkplaceX is an initiative to simplify and standardize the development of business applications. It is based on ASP.NET Core, Angular, Bootstrap, Bulma and SQL Server.

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