Boost your Business App
This example shows how to bring an sql table or view directly to the browser including filtering, sorting, paging and Excel export.
First let's create a new database table.
Text NVARCHAR(256),
Number FLOAT
Next we need C# code for this table. Run command line:
wpx generate
This generates the following code for us:
// File: Application.Database/Database/Database.cs
namespace Database.dbo
using Framework.DataAccessLayer;
using System;
[SqlTable("dbo", "HelloWorld")]
public class HelloWorld : Row
[SqlField("Id", true, FrameworkTypeEnum.Int)]
public int Id { get; set; }
[SqlField("Text", FrameworkTypeEnum.Nvarcahr)]
public string Text { get; set; }
[SqlField("Number", FrameworkTypeEnum.Float)]
public double? Number { get; set; }
In order to load the data grid write:
// File: Application/App/AppMain.cs
namespace Application.Doc
using Database.dbo;
using Framework.DataAccessLayer;
using Framework.Json;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class AppMain : AppJson
public override async Task InitAsync()
await new GridHelloWorld(this).LoadAsync();
public class GridHelloWorld : Grid<HelloWorld>
public GridHelloWorld(ComponentJson owner)
: base(owner)
protected override void Query(QueryArgs args, QueryResult result)
result.Query = Data.Query<HelloWorld>().OrderBy(item => item.Text);
Start the program. It looks like this, sorting and filtering already included and working:
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